Cottage in La Garrotxa

  • Dinner, accommodation and breakfast at the El Ferrés farmhouse, the night before the flight.
  • Exclusive facilities with private parking.
  • Welcome coffee, juice and pastries.
  • Experienced pilots who know the territory.
  • Flight between 1h and 1h 30 min. over the volcanic zone.
  • Toast with sparkling wine or juice and special cake during the flight.
  • Brunch with local products.
  • Flight certificate signed by pilot and ground crew.
from 344€
from 0€


El Ferrés farmhouse

The night before the flight you will stay at the Mas El Ferrés, a rural house in the Vall d'en Bas.
A farmhouse from the s. Restored XVIII, next to the stream of Joanetes, and surrounded by forests of beech, oak and holm oak where the herds graze.
A farmhouse with agricultural and livestock activity, where you can enjoy a relaxed and family atmosphere. Ideal for rural tourism without haste, feeling the beauty of the landscape, a place to find tranquility and rest.
All rooms of this cottage in la Vall d'en Bas have a private bathroom and free wiffi service. This farmhouse has an outdoor pool and a large terrace.
You will have dinner and breakfast in the same house and the owner, Carmen will cook you homemade dishes with products of homegrown and from the area.
This accommodation is 20 minutes far from our facilities.

Hot air ballon ride

The activity begins early in the morning (between 6:30 and 8:00, according to the season), which is when the wind is calmer and the atmosphere is cooler and more stable.
Parents can have a coffee and children a juice, in addition to eating some pastries, while you watch the preparation and assembly of the balloon at our facilities in Vol de Coloms. And you can participate in it!
All our baskets have doors and, therefore, are accessible to all types of public.
The balloon flight lasts 1 hour and 30 m approximately. We take you up in the hot-air balloon over La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park. During this time, we are passengers of the wind. The movement of the balloon is imperceptible, the sensation is of floating, in calm and absolute security.
We contemplate the landscape from a bird's-eye view and we toast with cava or juiceto celebrate the baptism of flight and try a slice of coca de llardons, a savoury local cake.
Do not forget to take the camera and let the children take aerial photographs. It will be a memory for a lifetime and to immortalize the spectacular views.
Upon landing you will also experience the moment of deflation of the sail, and how it is running out of air.
The vehicle that has been monitoring us picks us up in a 4 × 4 and takes us to make a hearty cooked breakfast, with bread with tomato and sausage, beans from Santa Pau with grilled sausage, desserts from the Cooperativa La Fageda, wine, coffee and ratafia.
Finally, we will deliver a flight diploma signed by the pilot to each member of the family.
Come to this cottage in La Garrotxa with your children and participate in this beautiful activity from the air!
accommodation and flight
accommodation and flight
accommodation and flight
accommodation and flight

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