Hot air balloons, with their imposing presence in the sky, have captivated the human imagination since their invention. This invention…

For many people, when they come to Vol de Coloms it is their first time flying and they have many…

La Moixina is a natural paradise located at the gates of the city of Olot, in La Garrotxa. This wetland…

With the arrival of winter, many might think that there are less outdoor activities. However, at Vol de Coloms we…

Finding the best Christmas gift can be quite a challenge. Often, we check for unique and unforgettable experiences that allow…

Vol de Coloms is about 50 km in a straight line from the Costa Brava. We need an hour by…

Today we will tell you about one of the volcanoes that is in the middle of the city of Olot.…

We are in a time when we do not stop doing things. We take advantage of the good weather and…