How to get to la Garrotxa?

16 August 2022

Autumn is coming, a long-awaited time for many people to see the transformation of nature. The region receives visitors from all over Catalonia and they travel attracted by this phenomenon. And it’s important to know how to get to la Garrotxa? We explain the different options.

Own or rental vehicle

The private or rental vehicle is the most used to arrive in La Garrotxa. With the construction of the Bracons tunnel, people coming from Barcelona, the metropolitan area, Vic, etc. They must take the C-17 in the direction of Ripoll to the C-37 that crosses the entire mountains to get directly to the middle of the Vall d’en Bas.

For the towns of Barcelona closest to Girona, the best option is to take the AP7 to Girona. From there, as visitors coming from this city, you have to take the C-66 to Besalú, to join the A-26 that arrives in Olot.

The A-26 will be the same road that Alt Empordà citizens will have to use. Once you arrive in Figueres, you will have to follow the N-260 that joins the motorway near Besalú.

People coming from the province of Lleida will have to take a section of C-25 to arrive to Vic. Where they can join the C-17 to make the same journey as people coming from Barcelona.

The people of Tarragona have two options to reach the C-17. Some towns like Ascó or Montblanc, the fastest option will be to go find the C-25. Others like Tarragona or Amposta have to goes for the AP7.

Once you have arrived in Garrotxa, it is important to know that there can be car queues to cross Olot or Les Preses.

The last thing to know is where to park. It is very important to respect natural spaces. It is not allowed to park inside the Natural Park. However, we have the Santa Margarida car park and the Fageda d’en Jordà car park, next to the Fageda and the Santa Margarida volcano.

If you are going to fly, there is no problem because in our facilities we already have private parking for the exclusive use of our customers.

Public transport

For people who do not have their own vehicle or do not have a driver’s license, they can choose to come to the region by bus.

The company TEISA offers a wide range of journeys from different points in the provinces of Girona and Barcelona to reach Olot or the different towns in the region. Prices, timetables and routes can be consulted on their website.

This option is good, however to be able to combine the timetables of the buses and the activity of the balloon flight, it is better to arrive the day before the flight and sleep in the area. In this way, early in the morning if you sleep in the towns of Olot and Santa Pau, we can collect people from the hotel to come to our facilities.

On the other hand, if you want to go sightseeing in the area, you can take the regular lines to visit the villages of La Garrotxa. If you want to see the beech forest and the volcanoes in particular, there is the route of the volcanoes that has stops at different points in the volcanic area.

These would be some of the options for how to get to La Garrotxa, I’m sure one or the other fits where you’re coming from.

You know, then:

Come to la Garrotxa from wherever you are in Catalonia!

Book a hot air balloon flight here!

Book your family hot air balloon flight here!

Create your personalized experience here!
