The Costa Brava from Vol de Coloms

Vol de Coloms is about 50 km in a straight line from the Costa Brava. We need an hour by car to get to this Catalan paradise of crystal-clear waters, hidden coves and coastal towns full of personality.

The Girona coast goes from Cala S’Alguer to the quiet Cala Estreta. In total it has a length of more than 200 km of beaches, coves and cliffs.

We are lucky because we do not need to take the car to enjoy the sea. Once we take off with the balloon and leave the volcanoes below us, we see the entire magnificent maritime landscape in the distance. From La Garrotxa we can see practically all the kilometers of the Costa Brava, from Cap de Creus to the mountains of Begur.

In the morning, the moment that we begin the flight, the sun rise over the Mediterranean Sea. The first rays of daylight appear on the horizon, filter through the coast and the Garrotxa mountains, until they reach the basket.

We never choose the direction of the balloon, but if that day the wind comes from the west, we will head towards Pla de L’estany or Empordà. Slowly, the Gulf of Roses, Montgrí, Cap de Creus… are growing and we can contemplate all its orography in more detail.

Normally, we do not usually land near the sea, because we need fast winds to be able to travel the 50 km in a straight line with the gas we carry. However, it is quite a surprise that on clear days there is the possibility of seeing the entire Gironina coast when in reality, when you book a balloon flight in Garrotxa, you usually think that you will see volcanoes and mountains and not the sea.

You know, then:


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