From the world of stories to Flight of Pigeons

Once upon a time there was a boy who wanted to fly among the clouds, to see what lay beyond the natural boundaries. He knew it was possible because he had seen the stylized birds of La Garrotxa take flight hundreds of times. “It’s so easy,” he thought.

He really wasn’t wrong: for them, the birds, everything is very easy, they only have to open their wings and fly; but for us, humans, flying is another matter (and never better said). The little boy didn’t understand why he couldn’t do the things that other people could do. He often stayed bathed while they watched the moon. “How lucky he is,” he thought. Until one day when he had fallen asleep on the grass of a large green and bright meadow the sun went out. what was that I had never seen anything like it. The boy had heard stories about eclipses, but this was no eclipse. It was a hot air balloon!

Sometimes the things that seem easy are the most difficult, and really the most difficult is very easy. It can be as easy as coming to Vol de Coloms : we have a long experience and all the necessary knowledge to make your flight with us a unique memory.

Are you thinking of spending a few days in La Garrotxa and want to live a unique experience? From Vol de Coloms we offer you the best balloon flights, the experience you have to live. Come and enjoy the best of the region by clicking here !
