La Moixina in Olot: A natural treasure in La Garrotxa

La Moixina is a natural paradise located at the gates of the city of Olot, in La Garrotxa. This wetland area offers a unique opportunity to escape the urban environment and connect with nature in all its splendor.

The wetlands of La Moixina are formed by the continuous outcropping of underground water mainly from the source of La Deu and La Moixina. This water allows an ecosystem rich in biodiversity.

It is the habitat of a great variety of plant and animal species. Trees such as oaks, poplars and willows coexist with a diversity of more than 800 species of grasses, mosses and ferns. In addition, it is a privileged place to observe birds such as ducks, kingfishers and great tit among other species.

La Moixina has always been an important point for the people of Olot. In the past they went there to enjoy cultural activities such as outdoor cinema or folk dance. The natural environment was also an inspiration for many painters of the Olotí landscape pictorial movement. We can find a large number of paintings that capture the natural and human life of this magical space.

The conservation of the Moixina d’Olot is a priority for local authorities and environmental conservation groups. Restoration and maintenance initiatives are carried out to preserve the ecosystem and ensure its future.

La Moixina in Olot is a natural place that deserves to be discovered and appreciated by everyone. Its scenic beauty, its rich biodiversity and its multiple activities make this space an essential place for all those who love nature and outdoor life.

You know, then:


Book a balloon flight and see the moixin from the air here!

Eat at a restaurant within this natural setting here!

More information about Moixin here!
