Summer activities in Olot with the Dragon’s Tail

8 August 2017

With summer and the good weather, La Cua del Drac arrives in Olot, the activities that take place in the city from July until the Festes del Tura in September.

Most of the activities are free and take place outdoors. The program includes 263 events, organized by Olot City Council and various companies in the city. These are activities designed for the people of Olot and the region, to do as a family, and from which the tourists who visit us can also benefit.

Music in the Park on Sundays in July and August

Parc Nou is transformed, once again, into the stage where you can listen to al fresco concerts in a unique environment. On Sundays at 6:30 p.m., you can enjoy Music in the Park , with Cuban sounds, gospel, Havana and classical music, among other styles. The pianist Glòria Garcés and the soprano Elena Martinell, Ala Voronkova and Sergi Vicente, Carlota Deluxe and Lluís Lozano, Tànit Navarro and Rusó Sala, and the groups Arcàtia, Ensemble Una Cosa Rara, Gospel Cor Garrotxa and Salt Lake Vocal Artist will perform there.

Activities at the Museums of Olot

The Museums of Olot do not close in the summer and have prepared several exhibitions. In the Open Room you can discover the interior of the homes designed by Rafael Masó; in Sala Oberta 2, Pep Sau presents a collection of photographs by Joan de la Fageda; at the Saints Museum will reflect on the diversity of beliefs and religions; and at the Museu dels Volcans several artists give their particular vision of the wolf. In Can Trincheria you can see the best images of Seismograph 2017.

In addition, the city’s museums organize several guided tours to learn about their permanent exhibition and the Hospice’s patio will be transformed into a terrace where you can rest, have a drink and consult tourist and cultural information.

Sardanes, castellers, Sant Rock Festival,

Also, on Saturdays in July and August at 10 pm the Fair will be filled with sardanas. Continuing in popular culture, Ofolk organizes a dance in the square with the Torreta Company and the Xerrics will hold rehearsals in the open air at the end of August so that anyone who wants to can try making castles.

Puppets in the squares, the Sant Rock Festival, the reading of La Càrrega by Narcís Comadira, the Gresca at the Fair, a poetic tour of Olot, the Night of Religions, the summer LAPS at Carbonera, theatrical visits around Sant Esteve, monologues, a Talent Show and a Scape Room in La Moixina are some of the other activities of Cua del Drac 2017.

If you come to La Garrotxa in the summer you can enjoy some of the activities at Cua del Drac . And you can also live the experience of a balloon flight over the Garrotxa volcanoes

Here you will find the program for Cua del Drac .
