The magic of being in love in La Garrotxa

As he related Aristophanes, in the beginning the human race was almost perfect: “All men had round forms, the back and sides placed in a circle, 4 arms, 4 legs and everything else in this same proportion with the exception of a single none that brought together the two only opposing parties. At that time, all beings felt complete and were therefore fully happy. One day, encouraged, they dared to climb the sky and fight the Gods. Faced with this betrayal, Jupiter, who did not want to reduce the being to pieces, separated the man into two parts, and thus diminished his strength by separating them. This is how the legend of the orange half was born: when you find the other half you feel complete again and the feeling of emptiness disappears to return to your natural state, to be fully happy.

We cannot guarantee the veracity of the myth, it is a myth and it is already known. What we can promise is our perfect partner . Combine the following experience: start by flying over Garrotxa, the region of volcanoes, in a hot air balloon and end the day of adventure in one of the romantic spaces of our preselection.

When you are in love you feel exactly the same as when you fly in a hot air balloon : the butterflies in your stomach, the illusion… But this time being in the clouds will not be magical, but totally real.

From Vol de Coloms we make it easy for you: we offer you a romantic combination so you can enjoy the best of the region by clicking here!
