Tura Olot festivities and balloon trip to La Garrotxa

11 January 2016

The Tura festivals are the major festivals of Olot. Its name comes from the patron saint of the city, the Virgin of Tura, and they are celebrated around the 8th of September. The festivities in honor of the Mother of God of Tura, patroness of the city, were declared as a Traditional Festival of National Interest in 1996 and in 2010 they were declared as a Heritage Festival of National Interest.

On November 12, 2012, he received the ARC award as the best musical program of Festa Major

It is one of the most popular major summer festivals in Catalonia and is characterized by the large number of outdoor events and concerts.

One of the most outstanding events is the dance of giants, dwarfs and mares in the town’s Main Square. The Giants of Olot, the Giant and the Giant, headed by Cap de Lligamosques are the most representative figures.

This year the announcer of the festivities will be the gastronome Pep Nogué, who received the news live while participating in the TV3 program “Divendres” presented by Espartac Peran, in which he has a set cooking section.

In Olot’s Main Theater you can enjoy different shows during the festivities:

The play Pels Pèls, directed by Abel Folk; the Process of Mary Dugan, from the local company Orfeó Teatre and the show Lari Poppins, by Mag Lari.

If you come to La Garrotxa between September 4 and 8 to enjoy the Festivities, you can’t miss the adventure of flying in a balloon over the Natural Park. A balloon trip to La Garrotxa, a unique experience!

For more information: Balloon flight in La Garrotxa.

You can download the Tura festival program here: Entura’t 2015
