A weekend spent in the sky and a pinch of swimming

This weekend there are many different activities in our beloved region of La Garrotxa . A good example is El Lluèrnia , the festival of fire and light that this year will be celebrated on 10/11/2018 at 00:00. In addition, there will also be dance evenings, book clubs, itineraries, talks, workshops, music and much more! […]

Do you want the stars?

This Sunday is Matthew McConaughey’s birthday. For those who do not know him, he is one of the most recognized actors of the last decade. Among the most outstanding recognitions has been the winner of an Oscar and a Golden Globe. And you will think… what does this figure have to do with La Garrotxa? […]

The Volcanic Cuisine, a pleasure for the palate.

In the past, our ancestors called the Garrotxa rough, broken and unsightly land. Years later the territory has been evolving and those steep lands have become one of the most precious treasures of the land of volcanoes. In the middle of the cold and misty days of autumn, we can see how a fertile and […]

Saint Luke’s Fair 2018

  Autumn has already settled in the country. It has arrived to stay and as every year it rediscovers a land rich in landscapes and culture. The cold, the coats and the fireplace reappear forcefully in our lives. And with everything comes our beloved Sant Lluc fair. Many generations have passed since the beginning of […]


The Mostra de Pessebres d’Olot takes place every year from the beginning of December to the beginning of January. For about a month, various spaces in Olot become the headquarters of the Mostra de Pessebres and host different exhibitions, all with the theme of the nativity scene as a central axis. At the’Hospice will exhibit […]

Lluèrnia, fire and light festival in Olot

Lluèrnia , festival of fire and light , will be celebrated on Saturday November 11 in the city of Olot from sunset to midnight. It is a festive and participative event organized by Lluèrnia Cultural Association, which is held annually in Olot in the month of November It remains a short but very intense festival, […]

New service area at the fort of the Montsacopa volcano.

Volcà Montsacopa’s new service area occupies the old El Fortí de Sant Francesc tower that dates from the 19th century. It is a one-story building with a terrace overlooking the city of Olot . The bar-restaurant is fully integrated into the surrounding landscape and offers a bar service during the day and will have a […]

Ésdansa, the traditional roots dance festival of La Garrotxa

ÉSDANSA is the traditional dance festival that takes place in the town of Les Preses from August 21 to 27, 2017. To be danced today , a large part of the grid is formative and participatory, where the spectator ceases to be precisely a spectator and becomes a dancer. Ésdansa’T, the festival’s traditional dance workshops, […]

Summer activities in Olot with the Dragon’s Tail

With summer and the good weather, La Cua del Drac arrives in Olot, the activities that take place in the city from July until the Festes del Tura in September. Most of the activities are free and take place outdoors. The program includes 263 events, organized by Olot City Council and various companies in the […]